I have been intermittent fasting for about 19 months at the time of writing this post. So I have many days of experience in how I push myself to fast longer. In fact, since I began tracking daily fasts with my Zero app, I’ve logged over 11,000 hours of fasting! Whoa baby!!
However, even as an experienced faster, there are times that I have to convince myself to push further. I still love food; and as a foodie, there are times something delicious calls out to me before my window is ready!
Some days, I simply give in. Close my fast and open my eating window… simple, flexible and usually delicious!
Other (most days), I push the fast to hit a goal. I know I can only be successful at weight and health maintenance if I keep the long fasts. So giving in regularly won’t help. (Thankfully, most days it isn’t a struggle to get my 18 hour minimum fast done! It really is easy once adjusted IMO)
But back to the struggle days… I want to share with you tips on how I keep fasting.
Productive Distraction (Pt. 1)
As a stay at home mom… my to-do list is never done. I’m sure most adults can relate to this. I always have something to do….it’s just a matter of what do I make time for. When time is dragging and I want to get to my eating window, I find productive distraction works well.
That often comes down to chores. I am not the epitome of a perfect house keeper; I prioritize the necessities and squeeze the rest in when it works. When I am trying to get to my eating window, sometimes that’s the perfect opportunity to do chores I normally dislike. At the end I’ll not only have a chore out to the way, but I’ll also have killed time. Double win!
Chores that help me pass time (usually with a great podcast in my ears!):
-Clean the stove top (a chore I really dislike)
-Cleaning sheets on any of the beds (bonus, multiple steps breaking up the time even more)
-Cat Box
-Organize a drawer or closet
-Cleaning out the fridge
-Vaccuming rooms that I don’t get to as regularly
-Cleaning off applicances
-Declutter a junk drawer
-Vacuum kitchen drawers/cupboards

Have fun!
This is obviously a more joyful distraction than a chore and usually the passes easier with something fun, eventually I forget I’m trying to kill time!
I am someone with many interests, so having things I want to do is never a problem. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Even as simple as sitting down to watch a movie (whether alone or with family).
I find its a great time to ask my kids if they’d like to play a game. We love board games in our house, so whether its a new one we’ve never played before or a favorite it’s a great way to forget about eating and to have fun with my kids.
Play to pass the time!

Here are other ways I like to have fun (involving my kids makes it more likely I get to do it!):
-Play basketball (or anything similar) outside
-Sidewalk Chalk
-Pick up a project I haven’t yet finished (such as a sewing project)
-Read! I always have a book (or three!) I’m in the middle of
-Call a friend
If you start having fun, you’ll often get pass the wave of hunger you were trying to avoid and get lost in the joy!
Productive Distraction (Pt. 2)
I work from home (on my YouTube channels & this website!) and ALWAYS have something I could do. If I have the ability to focus (ahem, kids!!) and time to kill I love using it to work on my work!
Obviously the exact tasks will differ based of what your job is, but here are items on my list that I get to when I have some spare moments:
-Write a blog post! (I actually started this while I was pushing myself to a 26.5 hour fast!)
-Edit a video in progress
-Brainstorm video/post ideas
-Respond to comments
-Read my emails
-Clean out video footage, organize footage
-Take in some sort of education to help me (watch videos, read blog posts, take an actual course, etc)

Just like performing house chores, this is a double win! I accomplish something for my business and I also passed the time.
Get Moving!
I am not one that is a gym rat. I am however, someone that really LOVES to go on walks in my neighborhood. Unfortunately, Michigan weather isn’t always complicit in my sunny walking dreams. However, I still get out even when the weather isn’t perfect. This one is harder because all my children aren’t old enough to just leave at home. But if it works out, this is one of my favorite ways to push into a fast… walk!

We do have a home gym area and I use the elliptical (& Netflix) as a second rate to out door walking. Eventually, I do plan to work out more, but honestly hasn’t happened yet. Walking is where it’s at for me!
Podcast + Pavement = Perfect. My favorite fasting podcast can be found here.
Get Out of The House!
This isn’t an option always, but if it is… YES! My personality loves to be out and about. It doesn’t have to be anything extraordinary, I just enjoy being out of the house.
Here are some of my most used ways distract myself from the dragging fasting hours:
-Go to the park! My youngest son loves parks. He plays and I read or walk.
-Donate items (I keep a collection box at the house of items to donate).
-Go to the Library!
-If you’re a member at any zoo/museum locally, use that membership!
-Do any returns/small errands on your to-do list.
-Drive to your favorite coffee shop and get a black coffee.

Breaking the routine will be a good distraction! Fasting is always easier on busy days IMO
Make a Drink
Making sure your hydrated with water is a great way to keep hunger at bay. Even fully hydrated you might end up needing a distraction. Sometimes for me, that means filling my belly with sips instead of bites.
One way I like to sip is with a really nice quality coffee. I don’t always take the time to make a pour over coffee, but sometimes its a great distraction to take the time and effort to boil water, get the Chemexout, measure and grind the beans, time everything. I always love the superior taste of a cup of Chemex pour over coffee, but I rarely take the time.
Even making a fresh cuppa with my regular Ninja coffee bar is a wonderful distraction. I love a cup of coffee and use it as a snack when necessary.

Another drink that I sometimes view as a treat is a can/bottle of sparkling, unflavored water. love the bubbly and while it’s still water, it’s a treat I save for longer in my fast.
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It’ll be over soon!

The good news is, at least in my opinion, most days the fast doesn’t drag on. I don’t need to push through on a regular basis. Fasting becomes second nature. My need for these distractions isn’t often, but helpful when needed!
Thanks for reading, let’s fast on together.