I can hardly believe we're in 2022! My last fast of 2021 was 26 Hours and 31 minutes long. I had to stretch it one last time. While my minimum daily fast is 18 hours, I like ... Read the Post...
16:8 (Simple!!) Intermittent Fasting Schedule
There are many ways to implement an intermittent fasting schedule. And to be completely honest, I don’t believe sticking to one schedule is necessary for most people. I for ... Read the Post...
It’s easier than you think! 500 Calorie Down Day (Modified Alternate Day Fasting)
Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) is a schedule that can be implemented many ways. Today I am sharing how I personally use ADF. Once a week (usually, I'm not rigid about it) I have ... Read the Post...
5 Intermittent Fasting Books You NEED
The success I’ve maintained with Intermittent Fasting wouldn’t have been possible without having a great understanding of the science and the “why it works”. I really enjoy ... Read the Post...